The Reel Puppetry Film Fest celebrates the craft and art of filmmaking utilizing live-puppetry performances.

Filmmaking, as it relates to performing arts, is a relatively new medium. Though one that is progressing and changing at an amazing rate. For us, this medium of film allows puppets to be seen in a new way, and reach audiences worldwide through movie theaters, festivals, personal websites, and online streaming sites like Vimeo and YouTube.

From extraordinarily polished to the genuinely handcrafted productions, “Reel Puppetry” strives to showcase just a sampling of what is currently being created in this medium. We hope you enjoy what you see, and that you will be inspired by what is out there and consider what might be possible for the future

Reel Puppetry 2023 Schedule


10:30pm – Handmade Puppet Dreams: Continuing the Legacy




2:30pm & 4pm – Reel Puppetry Film Festival BLOCK #1




2:30pm & 4pm – Reel Puppetry Film Festival BLOCK #2  (ADULT CONTENT)


4pm - The Bob and Judy Brown Documentary | Dir. Jeff Bragg – 1hr30m

10:30pmThe “Best” of Reel Puppetry 2023




2:30pm & 4pm – Reel Puppetry Film Festival BLOCK #3



10am – Handmade Puppet Dreams: For Families, Vol 1 & 2

11:30am – Handmade Puppet Dreams: Kidscapes (Family friendly films created during the pandemic)

1pm – The Rob D’Arcumentary and Pip & Squeek Go Viral, including Q&A with Rob D’Arc and Matt McGee.

2pm – Reel Puppetry Film Festival BLOCK #4 FAMILIES!

4pm - Handmade Puppet Dreams: A Conversation, featuring Heather Henson  

5pm - Handmade Puppet Dreams: Continuing the Legacy (re-screen)



Reel Puppetry Online Exclusive Screening, Part 1


Incognitum | Dir. Sara Angius – 23min


The Bog | Dir. Norah Solorzano, Alex Young – 5m


I Don’t Need That Anymore | Colette Searls – 9:15

I, Puppet |Dir. Hsuan Yu Pan -  5m

Turn of Fate | Melissa Stanton – 4m


La Charada Teatro – Puppeteers in Guatemala | Robert Flanagan – 13:53


Life Cycles | Thiago Bresani, Maria Soledad Garcia – 6:48


Gut Feelings | Vanessa Valliere – 13m





Reel Puppetry Online Exclusive Screening, Part 2


Klum, the Elf | Miguel Leon, Claudia Osejo – 17:26


Evil Lies Adults Tell Children | Dir. Hans Vermy – 11:04


Germen | Camillo Lopez Mondragon, Luisa Fonseca Bernal – 16:42


Alma | Dir. Lenke Duyvendak – 10m


Ramkali | Adnan Hussain – 11m


Animal | Patrick Moser – 9:07


TOTAL – 75m



Reel Puppetry Online Exclusive Screening – For Kids


Yo Go Grow Healthy | Dir. Robin Holder – 3:13min


I Want it Now | Dir. Eric J. Shepherd, Jamie Donmoyer - 4m


Portable Tree | Dir. Kelvin Kao – 3m


Bawba Sheep’s Black | Anthony Michael Stokes – 11m


Hope | Dir. Roxanne Wright - 2:17


Being & Becoming | Charlotte Lily Gaspard – 7m


The Memory Trade | Dir. Jon Riddleberger – 8m


Blue Fruit Tree in the Fog | Dir. Chen Ying Ching – 22:30m


TOTAL  40:30m

Puppeteers of America
310 East 38th St, Suite 127
Minneapolis, MN 55409
